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NetSuite OpenAir Tips

Importance Of Confidentiality

Wherever consultants gather...airports, hotels, Starbucks...we often find ourselves sharing detailed, unfiltered stories about our jobs. This is natural human behavior. It's also a really bad idea. Clients have a legitimate expectation that we will be discreet, even with information that ...

Delivering “Bad News”

Bad news is only bad news when it is too late A consultant friend called not long ago to tell me her client was several weeks late on delivering some critical data. The only problem was, go live was only ...

Balancing Multiple Priorities

One of the biggest challenges for every professional is how to know whether you are working on the things that matter most. It's easy to stay busy all day and into the night without accomplishing anything. If you are working ...

Manage Expectations!

If you do nothing else in consulting, manage expectations well. If you're naturally a people-pleaser (most people in this business are), you'll want to tell your clients that you can do anything within virtually any time frame. We all want ...

Making (Worthwhile) Recommendations at the Right Time

June 2013 Inside Tech Services Written by:  Jodi Cicci “I realize how valuable it is to have someone make a solid recommendation based on your specific requirements—and explain the alternatives in terms that make sense.” I recently changed mobile phones ...

Cleaning Up Your Project Booking Grid

For long term projects that involve several resources over time, the project booking worksheet (also called Project booking grid) can get cluttered with too many rows of users who are no longer involved in the project. When this happens, you ...

Limiting Expense Items by Project in OpenAir

Many companies have many expense items defined, but in practice certain types should only be used for internal activities. In other cases, companies will define region-specific expenses. You may be able to address this by limiting which expense items are ...

Preventing Expenses From Being Entered Against Certain Projects

Have you ever found expenses entered against a project that should never have had them? If you have, you might have wished you could disable expense entry against certain projects. To do this, you’ll need to create a custom checkbox ...

Authorize Expenses in Advance

Have you ever wanted a way to let your employees request authorization in advance to incur certain expenses on a project? And would you like to be able to compare the actual expense report with the authorization? With Expense Authorizations, ...

The Three Musketeers Had It Right

Many of us know the cliché "All for One and One for All". It’s the team support spirit; everyone pitching in to support a common goal and having that goal benefit all who supported it. It’s also the basis for ...

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